Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900: Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Designer Cheat Sheet #11 Free Download


The third instalment in the MS AZ AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals cheat sheet series. The AI fundamentals certification documentation contains a lot of information (especially the provisioning of these resources) and these cheat sheets were invaluable to my understanding and passing the exam with flying colours. I created them with (or formally, since it is a lot easier to create the mind-maps and add all the icons. Thus, I wanted to share them here. The downloadable high resolution PDF links is below!

Keep your eyes peeled for more to come!

Cheat Sheet 11: MS AI-900 Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Designer

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Cheat Sheet 11: MS AI-900 Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Designer

Cheat Sheet Downloads

CC-BY-NC 3.0 – Images are free to use for personal and non-commercial projects given attribution to Dr Tanzelle Oberholster

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Previous Cheat Sheets

  1. Artificial Intelligence Concepts Cheat Sheet #1
  2. Artificial Intelligence Anomaly Detection Cheat Sheet #2
  3. Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision Cheat Sheet #3
  4. Artificial Intelligence Image Classification Cheat Sheet #4
  5. Artificial Intelligence Object Detection Cheat Sheet #5
  6. Artificial Intelligence Face Detection Cheat Sheet #6
  7. Artificial Intelligence Optical Character Recognition Cheat Sheet #7
  8. Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Cheat Sheet #8
  9. Artificial Intelligence Responsible AI Cheat Sheet #9
  10. Artificial Intelligence Automated ML Cheat Sheet #10
  11. Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Designer Cheat Sheet #11

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